Messi: „Where are you, Luchsi?“

Luchs is in heat —- Messi is waiting, looking through the window, every day, every hour … Where are you??

Luchs ist läufig —- Messi wartet am Fenster, jeden Tag, jede Stunde….: Wo bist du???

Messi wartet am Fenster

Messi wartet am Fenster

In the meantime Luchsi is playing at the beach:

Inzwischen tobt Luchs am Nordsee Strand:

Get A Luchs of Hairy Gasshoppers


Luchsi loves Messi

Luchsi loves Messi

Luchsi feels good…Luchsi loves Messi — Yeah Yeah Yeah


Luchsi loves Messi, yeah, yeah, yeah….

Messi is still waiting,

Sil´s Messi van Elsan`s Nust

Sil´s Messi van Elsan`s Nust

but suddenly …. LUUUUCHSIII

"You smell so nice, Luchsi!!"

„You smell so nice, Luchsi!!“

„Wie herrlich du duftest, Luchsi!!“

Messi und Luchs

Messi und Luchs, 13.2.2016

WAUOAH, I feel good, I knew that I would, now I feel good, I knew that I would, now
so good, so good, I got you….

6 Gedanken zu “Messi: „Where are you, Luchsi?“

    • It is so cute when Messi is looking through the window, searching for his Luchs, deeply in love!!!
      Hopefulle he won´t forget Luchs 😉 Now he has time to calm down again.
      Many thanks to Messi´s family for their warm hospitality.
      Greetings from Styria!

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